Thursday 27 December 2012

Happy First Birthday

Today is Arabian Peninsula Focus' first birthday.

On the 27th December 2011 I opened with Welcome to Arabian Peninsula Focus and since then have posted 75 times on topics ranging from Yemen's new president, Saudi Arabia allowing women to compete in the Olympic Games and the fact there is almost nothing to say about Oman!

Sometimes life throws you curve balls, and I had a couple of these this year during which time the frequency of blog posts suffered a little. Still, I'm pleased to say that one year on after 5000 hits during 2012 we are blogging strong and look forward to a blog-post filled 2013.

So what's in store for the Arabian Peninsula during 2013? I would love to say that I have a set of firm predictions but that would be somewhat untrue. That said, how cowardly of me to refuse to stick my neck out at all!! Never one to shy away from a challenge I will have a go at some predictions:

1. Bahrain - sadly I think Bahrain's turbulent times are not over. This month we have seen the backlash begin following the government's attempts to stifle the voice of the opposition through banning public demonstrations. I predict this backlash will gain momentum as we move into 2013.

2. Yemen - after a very rocky start to his presidency, I think Yemen's new leader President Hadi will continue to gain control. I predict more positive times ahead for the nearly-failed state.

3. Saudi Arabia - nothing happens quickly in this place. I predict more of the same, with the occasional minor flurry of activity.

4. Oman - I suspect the grumblings of discontent will not be entirely silenced as we go into 2013. That said I don't think we will witness the toppling of the mostly popular Sultan, and I will continue to struggle to find things to write about Oman.

5. Qatar - the small Gulf state will progress their attempts at world domination, and will continue to struggle with the balance between being protector of the Palestinians and confidante of Capitol Hill.

6. UAE and Kuwait - who knows!

So thanks to all those who have read my blog during 2012. Stay with me in 2013, and feel free to encourage others to have a read!

Happy New Year to you all.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Andrey, especially for persuading me to start the blog in the first place during that drive down to Key West :)

  2. Great post - just trying my new gmail!

    1. Thanks Helen - really glad you liked the post. More to follow this week.
